A year on the road.. and some other stuff.....

Where we share our tales of adventure as we journey from New York to Alaska and elsewhere....

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

We're in Bristol, Virginia/Tennessee

When we left Charleston SC, we decided to head inland toward the mountians in order to get out of the awful heat and humidity. We visited Hendersonville NC to see Ed's friend and his wife, then headed north and found ourselves in Bristol. It's interesting because State Street, the town's main thoroughfare, is bisected by the Virginia/Tennessee border. Brass markers down the street's center denote the dividing line, so you can hop back and forth across the street and do a little shopping in VA, then a little eating in TN or vice versa. The taxes are much lower in VA, about 4.5% versus something like 9% in TN. Best to spend money on the VA side. Lots of antique shops here and it's kind of pretty. We are headed out tomorrow and will continue heading north. We are in our final days of the trip, got to get back and get ourselves organized. It will probably take a week just to clean out the truck. Stay tuned.

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