A year on the road.. and some other stuff.....

Where we share our tales of adventure as we journey from New York to Alaska and elsewhere....

Wednesday, July 9, 2008


Inky and Spot are their names, hiding in luggage is their game...heh, heh. Now most of you know that I haven't bought a Beanie in years. I have no idea how these buggers got into my luggage.
Well....maybe I do. I fell off the wagon. You see, we arrived in Charleston, SC and went to a junk shop, er, antique shop and they had a big box full of stuffed animals, including Inky and Spot and their Beanie brethren. I couldn't resist. Besides, they're old and they only cost a buck a piece. Sad, really. I hope this isn't the start of something dangerous.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Aha Kathy! It's a good thing you didn't get caught up in that old Ty habit at the beginning of the trip. Mac would be jealous and the car would be packed to the roof. The luggage would just have had to go.....

P.S. They're adorable