A year on the road.. and some other stuff.....

Where we share our tales of adventure as we journey from New York to Alaska and elsewhere....

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Border Control 50 Miles Inside of Arizona

First off, I had meant to post pix of Algodones, Mexico, but I only got as far as these border patrol pix and Blogger photo upload pooped out on me. I will try again later. In the meantime, here's a couple of shots of the stop we encountered. As I said in the intro, this was not at the Mexico border, but about 50 miles into Arizona. I asked the guard what the dogs were looking for and he said narcotics, bombs, weapons of mass desruction (huh? he actually said that), and illegal aliens. We encounted two of these check points while in southern Arizona. Right now we are up north in Sedona. Have a lot of catch-up posting to do. See you later.

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