A year on the road.. and some other stuff.....

Where we share our tales of adventure as we journey from New York to Alaska and elsewhere....

Monday, December 10, 2007

The weirdness that is Venice Beach and Hollywood

No trip to Los Angeles would be complete without a stroll along the Venice Beach boardwalk and Hollywood Blvd. When we first got to Venice Beach we thought, "this isn't that weird," boy, were we wrong. What a bizarre circus (and the admission is free!). The best were the guys slumped over on the sidewalk with signs that said "need money for beer" or "need money to get stoned." At least they were honest. Now for the photos: the first is just a distance shot with me and Mac; next Ed decides he wants to join the freakshow - I woulldn't go inside, I had no intention of looking at 3-headed pigs. There was a guy standing outside the place with a 2-headed turtle, that was enough. Next up is a group of chanting and singing hare krishnas (what fun!); after that is a pic of a sand sculptor who was actually quite good (but you couldn't take his picture unless you left a tip); finally we have a rather pathetic back-packing clown. Sigh.
Now for Hollywood: the sign of course. The rest is all about Mac. He had photo ops with Barney and Batman and was estatic! Actually, Batman had to come rescue him from Barney, who wouldn't give him up and was squeezing him to death! Nah, not really. What really happened (and what made me realize that "Barney" was losing it) was after we took the photo and I gave him his tip, he said "thank you princess." To me! Last time I looked I wasn't 4 years old! I think that guy has been in that suit too long. As for Batman, he was really getting into it. Notice the split! It's a good thing we didn't visit both of these places on the same day, that's all I can say.

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