Mac has been completely bored with this whole Palm Springs thing, so he looked forward to watching the game in his old NY Giants uniform. Sadly, as you can see, it no longer fits. He had to sort of "tack" it on. Happens to all of us, I'm afraid. Anyway, when his team pulled through at the last minute, he was so proud that he attempted his very own goal kick. He did rather well considering his legs aren't jointed and he can't kick.
P.S. Some people may say that we are drinking too much wine out here in California, but my answer to that is NO WAY! However, try the Mumm Napa Cuvee Champagne if you can get it. It's GREAT!
P.P.S. Does anyone know the history of jersey #53? We're not sports fans and Mac's not telling.
Let's put it this way, Mac is keeping "Mumm."