A year on the road.. and some other stuff.....

Where we share our tales of adventure as we journey from New York to Alaska and elsewhere....

Friday, November 30, 2007

Palm Springs - Round 1

Some shots from our first stay in Palm Springs: Palm Canyon Drive, the city's "Main Street"; Ed loves Lucy; a sign in the library, not something we're likely to see in New York; 2 views of the grounds outside the condo where we stayed (and cheap, too!); Mac finds the car of his dreams in the condo garage (he insisted on sitting on the tissue, he has germ issues).

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Wednesday, November 21, 2007


This is one happy turkey. It's not going into anyone's oven tomorrow. At least we hope not.

Saturday, November 17, 2007


A quick recap of our itinerary since Vegas: we spent about 2 1/2 weeks in Palm Springs, CA, just under a week in LA (to visit my sister), and now we're back in Palm Springs with a good wireless connection. Gotta run right now but will be back with pix and stories. Please stay tuned. By the way, we really, really like Palm Springs!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007


What would Las Vegas be without Elvis? This guy was a riot, he looks like a bobble-head. After that is an evening shot of the hotel/casino New York, New York. It was not bad, not bad. Next is a (rather blurry) shot of our hotel, the sedate and understated (yeah, right) Excaliber. Actually, it was more like a zoo with human animals (but our room was surprisingly quiet). Next is me looking mighty unhappy as I sit at a slot machine. We're not big on the gambling thing, I think we laid out about $50 and ultimately came out a little ahead. Finally what we have in the last photo is a group of Aussie Elvises. Perfect!

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Happy Halloween 2! Lots of pix here!

Here goes: (1) an official Halloween pose with some posh poodles in Palm Springs, Ca (2&3) I do some snake-handling, his name is Harry and he's a gophersnake, a constrictor - notice how he's wrapped around my wrist, he had quite a grip (4,5,6) a falcon (I think); our shadows at Coral Pink Sand Dunes State Park in UT; another shot at the park, where we kept expecting to see ocean, but obviously, there was none (7&8) cacti in the Lake Mead area (9,10,11) a coyote!
(12,13.14) more scary rock formations, this time at Valley of Fire State Park in Nevada

PS to Nancy: Thank you, thank you, thank you, for both watching and commenting so frequently. It keeps me going!